Linked: Driving TFEL with RP2040: Offloading the CPU step by step

This blog shows how to leverage the PIO found on RP2040 to drive a not-so-common type of display. Combined with the large SRAM found on the RP2040, this is quite usable.


I thought this was a really good introduction to using the PIO blocks in the RP2040 to drive a peripheral, rather than bit-banging using the CPU.

Linked: CHZ-Soft – Preserving a floppy disk with a logic analyzer and a serial cable

Being involved with retro computers, I have a few floppy disks (of the 3.5-inch variety) that I would like to preserve as faithfully as possible. Of course, I know there are dedicated devices for doing that, such as the Kryoflux or the SuperCard Pro. But it occurred to me that I already own the required hardware to capture the low-level data from a floppy disk: my Saleae Logic 8 logic analyzer.


Another semi-automated way to capture raw (magnetic flux) disk images from floppy disks, this one using a drive and a logic analyzer with some post-processing. In addition to the other tools mentioned in the post, AppleSauce is a great option.

Linked: GDBWave – A Post-Simulation Waveform-Based RISC-V GDB Debugging Server | Electronics etc…

I want to talk about first simulating an RTL design that contains of soft CPU, and debugging the firmware that ran on that soft CPU after the simulation has completed.


Novel idea of using GDB to debug software running on a soft-core processor in an FPGA simulation, AFTER the simulation is completed!